Find the answers to frequently asked questions here.

If you still have questions - contact us!

How do I get a login to the Qlar Partner Portal?

As an existing Partner you will have received an invitation to the Qlar Partner Portal to access the information relevant to you. If you have not yet received an invitation, we are happy to set  up a login for you. Just Get in touch >>.

If you are not yet a Qlar Partner but are interested in this, please get in touch to discuss a possible collaboration.

How can I log into my account?

After your account has been created, you will receive a welcome email. After that you can create your initial password via the link in your mail or in the login area by using the function Forgot password? - Your e-mail address serves as the login name.

If you have any problems, please contact us >>.

How do I register colleagues?

If you want more of your colleagues to get access to our Partner Portal, please feel free to contact us >>.

Please provide us with contact information such as email address, name, role and phone number of the contact so we can create an account for them.

How do I use the Partner Portal?

1. Log into your account using the Login page/function. By logging in you should now be able to see all documents relevant to you.

2. Use filters or browse the available documents to find the document you are looking for.

3. View and download the document by using the Download action.

4. Be sure to come back for updated and new documents.

I cannot find what I am looking for.

If you cannot find specific information you are looking for, there could be two reasons for this.

1. If you cannot find any documents associated to a specific industry you could be missing the rights to view this.

2. If you cannot find one specific piece of information it may not be currently available.

In both cases, please get in touch with us >>, and let us know about what you require. We are constantly expanding and updating the information provided and are trying to match what you are looking for.

What does Internal Use and External Use mean?

The attributes Internal Use and External Use identify if the document provided is only for your private information or if it can be shared with customers/externally.

If you have a question relating to an existing document or you are concerned on whether a document should/shouldn’t be shared with customers, please reach out to our Agent support team >>.